Standards: NETS-T, CTTC, CCCT. |
Foundational knowledge |
Teachers: |
I. TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS AND CONCEPTS: Teachers demonstrate a sound
understanding of technology operations and concepts. (NETS-T)
I. Educational Technology Concepts and Operations – Awareness and Use
1. Teachers have knowledge of Students (CCCT)
1. Teachers have knowledge of Content (CCCT)
A. Demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of
concepts related to technology. (NETS-T) |
B. Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills
to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies. (NETS-T)
E. Demonstrate awareness of emerging technologies. (CTTC) |
A. Demonstrate an understanding of research and potential applications
of educational technology as it impacts student learning and instruction. (CTTC) |
B. Demonstrate an understanding of organizational issues related to
the application of technology in education.
D. Demonstrate awareness of network capabilities and electronic communications.
(CTTC) |
C. Apply problem solving strategies to issues involving teaching and
learning with technology. (CTTC) |
1. Understand how students learn and develop.(CCCT) |
2. Understand how students differ in their approaches to learning. CCCT) |
3. Are proficient in reading, writing and mathematics. (CCCT) |
4. Understand the central concepts and skills, tools of inquiry and
structures of the discipline(s) they teach. (CCCT) |
Planning and Designing Instruction |
AND EXPERIENCES: Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology. (NETS-T) |
A. design developmentally appropriate learning
opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners. (NETS-T)
6. Recognize the need to vary their instructional
methods. (CCCT) |
1. Teachers have knowledge of Pedagogy & Planning(CCCT) |
B. Apply current research on teaching and learning with technology
when planning learning environments and experiences. (NETS-T) |
C. Identify and locate technology resources and
evaluate them for accuracy and suitability. (NETS-T) |
D. Plan for the management of technology resources
within the context of learning activities. (NETS-T) |
E. Plan strategies to manage student learning in
a technology-enhanced environment. (NETS-T)
C. Manage the use of technology in the classroom for learning.
5. Know how to design and deliver instruction.
(CCCT) |
II. Creating
Environments for Learning |
A. Create learning experiences that align with state content
standards, student information and technology standards and best practices. (CTTC) |
B. Create new learning environments and develop new roles
of teacher and learner. (CTTC) |
1. Teachers apply this knowledge by planning (CCCT) |
1. Plan instruction based upon knowledge of subject
matter, students, the curriculum and the community. (CCCT) |
2. Select and/or create learning tasks that make
subject matter meaningful to students. (CCCT) |
1. Teachers apply this knowledge by instructing
(CCCT) |
3. Establish and maintain appropriate standards
of behavior and create a positive learning environment that shows a commitment to students and their successes. (CCCT) |
Teaching and the Curriculum |
III. TEACHING, LEARNING, AND THE CURRICULUM: Teachers implement curriculum
plans, that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning. (NETS-T) |
A. Facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content
standards and student technology standards. (NETS-T) |
B. Use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address
the diverse needs of students. (NETS-T)
E. Use technologies
to support student centered learning strategies for all students. (CTTC) |
1. Teachers apply this knowledge by instructing
(CCCT) |
C. Apply technology to develop students' higher
order skills and creativity. (NETS-T)
6. Employ a variety of instructional strategies
that enable students to think critically, solve problems and demonstrate skills. (CCCT) |
D. Manage student learning activities in a technology-enhanced
environment. (NETS-T) |
II. Creating Environments for Learning |
1. Teachers apply this knowledge by instructing
(CCCT) |
4. Create instructional opportunities that support
students’ academic, social and personal development (CCCT) |
5. Use effective verbal, nonverbal and media communications
techniques which foster individual and collaborative inquiry. (CCCT) |
Assessment of Teaching and Learning |
IV. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION: Teachers apply technology
to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies. (NETS-T) |
A. Apply technology in assessing student learning
of subject matter using a variety of assessment techniques. (NETS-T)
D. Use technology resources to better assess and understand
students’ needs and abilities in order to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning. (CTTC) |
B. Use technology resources to collect and analyze
data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning. (NETS-T)
C. Use technology to collect and manage data related
to teaching and learning. (CTTC) |
1. Teachers apply this knowledge by assessing
and adjusting. (CCCT) |
C. Apply multiple methods of evaluation to determine
students' appropriate use of technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity. (NETS-T)
7. Use various assessment techniques to evaluate
student learning and modify instruction as appropriate. (CCCT) |
Productivity and Professional Practice |
use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice. (NETS-T) Teachers: |
A. Use technology resources to engage in ongoing
professional development and lifelong learning. (NETS-T)
D. Identify, use and evaluate technology to support
the learning process for all students through ongoing professional development. (CTTC)
4. Seek out opportunities to grow professionally.
(CCCT) |
1. Teachers demonstrate professional responsibility
through reflection and continuous learning. (CCCT) |
B. Continually evaluate and reflect on professional
practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning. (NETS-T)
3. Continually engage in self-evaluation of the
effects of their choices and actions on students and the school community. (CCCT) |
C. Apply technology to increase productivity. (NETS-T) |
III. Productivity and Professional Practice |
D. Use technology to communicate and collaborate
with peers, parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning. (NETS-T)
A. Use educational technology to communicate/ collaborate with students,
parents, and teachers. (CTTC)
B. Use online resources to communicate/collaborate
with school community (students, parents & teachers) and global community. (CTTC) |
1. Teachers demonstrate professional responsibility
through leadership and collaboration. (CCCT) |
5.Teachers serve as leaders in the
school community.(CCCT) |
6.Teachers demonstrate a commitment
to their students and a passion for improving their profession.(CCCT) |
VI. SOCIAL, ETHICAL, LEGAL, AND HUMAN ISSUES: Teachers understand the social, ethical,
legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in PK-12 schools and apply those principles in practice.(NETS-T)
A. Model and teach legal and ethical practice related
to technology use. (NETS-T)
A. Understand, model and teach the legal and the ethical
practices regarding information and educational technology. (CTTC) |
IV. Social, Legal, Ethical and Human Issues |
B. Apply technology resources to enable and empower
learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities. (NETS-T)
C. Use technology to enable and empower learners with
diverse cultures, characteristics, abilities and socio-economic backgrounds. (CTTC) |
C. Identify and use technology resources that affirm
diversity. (NETS-T) |
D. Promote safe and healthy use of technology resources.
B. Model and teach safe, healthy practices of technology
use. (CTTC) |
E. Facilitate equitable access to technology resources
for all students. (NETS-T) |
1. Teachers demonstrate professional responsibility
through professional and ethical. (CCCT) |
1. Conduct themselves as professionals in accordance
with the Code of Professional Responsibility for Teachers (*Section 10-145D-400a of the Connecticut Certification Regulations).
2. Share responsibility for student achievement
and well-being. (CCCT) |